Tired of your AEG not quite making the cut? Choose from one of our preset upgrade packages below or get in touch and we’ll build you a bespoke upgrade plan!
All prices are inclusive of parts and labour fees but do not include postage or payment method fees (3.4% for Paypal, 5% for credit cards).
Basic Tune Up: £40
You have to start with the basics. Our BTU package will give you a smoother, quieter AEG with more consistent performance and improved reliability. This is the baseline that all AEGs should have.
This package includes the following services:
- A deep clean and degreasing of barrel, hop up unit and gearbox components
- Radius cuts on gearbox shell to prevent stress fractures
- Installation of a sorbothane buffer pad onto the cylinder head to reduce impact stress
- AOE adjustments on the piston to reduce stress on piston teeth
- Properly shimming the geartrain and adjusting motor height
- Replacing the piston O-ring with a high quality VITON O-ring and check compression train to improve efficiency
- Application of high-quality silicone oil to gearbox components to improve efficiency and reduce wear
- If needed, replace stock plastic/brass bushings with solid steel bushings (£10 extra) or steel bearings (£15 extra)
AEG Level 1 Upgrade: £70
The BTU takes care of the mechanical baseline, but what about the electrical side of things? The Level 1 upgrade takes all of the BTU upgrades and also takes care of your zappy bits. The Level 1 package will give your AEG an improved rate of fire, trigger response and greater electrical efficiency so your batteries last longer.
This package includes the following services:
- All the upgrades in the BTU package
- AEG will be rewired in 16AWG Alpha-wire with a TVS protected MOSFET
- Deans connectors fitted (including one battery and a converter cable to original connectors)
AEG Level 2 Upgrade: £130-180
(depending on barrel length)
Do you want more accuracy? How about more range?
Why not both? With our Level 2 package, you’ll see your groupings tighten up and your effective and absolute range increase! Pair this upgrade with some good heavy BBs (we recommend 0.28g or 0.3g) and you’ll be amazed at the results.
This package includes the following services:
- All of the Level 1 upgrades listed above
- Installation of a steel spring guide with thrust bearings for improved consistency
- Installation of an O ring air nozzle of appropriate length for optimum seal
- Installation of a Mapleleaf Crazy Jet Tightbore barrel of appropriate length for optimum accuracy
- Installation of a Mapleleaf Hotshot Hop up rubber and M Nub for massively improved range
AEG Level 3 Upgrade: £200-250
(depending on barrel length)
Tired of waiting for your gearbox to spin up after pulling the trigger? Want your AEG to sound like a buzzsaw when you flip the fun switch to ‘Auto’?
With our Level 3 package, you’ll see your rate of fire jump to 27-28rps on a 7.4v lipo, with a trigger response time of about 35-45milliseconds.
Compare that to the standard 10-15rps and 75-110milliseconds you get on most stock gearboxes with a 7.4v lipo and it’s a world apart.
This package includes the following services:
- All of the Level 1 and 2 upgrades listed above
- Installation of an SHS High Torque Neodymium 16TPA Motor
- Installation of an SHS 12:1 CNC Gen. IV gearset
AEG-DSG: £300+
(depending on barrel length and requested RoF)
Do you need that ultimate trigger response in semi auto?
Do you need to be able to dump an entire midcap in 2 seconds?
Do you want your gun to sound like a chainsaw being put through a blender when you hit the fun switch?
Then you need a DSG.
A Dual Sector Gear set up is a special gearset which effectively fires once every half-turn of the sector gear, rather than once every turn. This literally doubles your rate of fire and halves your trigger response time.
How fast is fast? With our AEG-DSG package you can choose from a RoF between 40rps to 60rps!
This package includes the following services:
- All of the Level 1 and 2 upgrades listed above
- Installation of a Neodymium motor (Type and TPA dependent on user requested RoF)
- Installation of a CYMA piston with a full steel rack, adjusted for AOE
- Installation of an SHS DSG
- Modification of the tappet plate and tappet plate spring to allow feeding at high rates of fire
- Installation of an SHS 18:1 or 16:1 CNC Gen. IV gearset (dependent on user requested RoF)
- Installation of an M140-M170 spring (dependent on user requested muzzle energy)
AEG-DMR: £220-270
(depending on barrel length)
Want to really reach out and touch someone? Willing to give up full auto for that extra reach? Want to put the ‘marks’ in Designated Marksman’s Rifle? Need to go over the 1.27J maximum muzzle energy to get those long, long range shots?
You need our AEG-DMR package. With a maximum of 2.5J of muzzle energy (the UK legal limit which we must abide by), we’ve seen some of our DMR builds land hits on targets up to 80m away.
With our DMR builds, we recommend using 0.3g BBs or heavier.
This package includes the following services:
- All of the Level 1 and 2 upgrades listed above
- Installation of a Neodymium motor (Type and TPA dependent on user requested muzzle energy)
- Installation of a CYMA piston with a full steel rack, adjusted for AOE
- Installation of a SHS 18:1, 16:1 or 14:1 CNC Gen. IV gearset (dependent on user requested muzzle energy)
- Installation of an appropriate spring for requested FPS
- AEG locked to Semi-auto only by either modifying selector plate or trigger mechanism (dependent on design)
Spring changes: £20
Do you need to lose a few FPS to get under the CQB limit for your indoor site? Has your spring started to get old and loose it’s oomph? Need to give it a bit of a boost to get closer to the site limit?
Not a problem! Our Spring change service will be able to sort you out for a flat £20 fee, including the cost of the new spring. Whilst we’re in the gearbox we’ll also do a quick check up to make sure there’s nothing amiss.
If you are already getting one of the upgrade packages above and need the spring changed, simply let us know and it’ll only cost £10 extra.
R-Hop: £40
Do you want to eke out the utmost range out of your build? Not satisfied with being unable to fling BBs into orbit? Then you might want an R-Hop.
The R-hop is the ultimate hop-up system for lifting heavy BBs with the flattest and most consistent trajectories.
With an R-hop and a decent tightbore barrel, a 1.2J set up can easily put a 0.4g BBs past 65m.
Our R-hop builds are fully adjustable for all the common weights of BBs on the market from 0.2g to 0.5g, but we recommend using 0.36g and up with an R-hop, or you simply won’t see the benefit over one of our recommended MLCJ set ups.
Note: All R-hop installations will take a minimum of 2 weeks, as there is a testing regime which requires long ranges (60m+) and a bedding-in period.
Testing and bed-in period: The AEG will be tested with BBs from 0.3g to 0.5g to assess range and accuracy. This is an absolutely necessary step, to properly install an R-hop it must be bedded in with a minimum of 300 rounds to ensure optimum performance.
This package includes the following services:
- A deep clean of barrel and hop up unit
- Custom cut and hand fitted R-hop and M nub installed
- Testing and bed-in period (see above)
Computer Controlled MOSFET installations: £10-30
(depending on model of MOSFET)
Sometimes you want to really make your AEG special. Maybe you’re wanting ultra-versatile burst modes. Maybe you want a hair trigger for your AEG to match your cat-like reflexes. Maybe you just like having the best of the best of the best (of the best).
There are quite a few Computer controlled MOSFETs on the scene nowadays which can give you some or all of that. Some require replacing your entire trigger assembly, some install just like another MOSFET. Either way, we have you covered.
We can install the following Computer Controlled MOSFET units for you and do the initial set up so you don’t have to worry about pinching a wire or overheating a solder joint and breaking what can be a very expensive part:
External CC-MOSFET units: £10 plus MOSFET
- Jefftron Processor Unit
- GATE Warfet
Internal CC-MOSFET units: £30 plus MOSFET
- Jefftron Internal Processor Unit for V2 or V3
- ASCU for V2 or V3 gearboxes
- GATE TITAN for V2 or V3 gearboxes
- BTC Specter for V2 or NGRS gearboxes
- BTC Chimera for V2 or V3 gearboxes
Have a MOSFET which isn’t on this list? Contact us and we’ll get it sorted for you.