Welcome to DLCustoms!
Whether it’s simple repair work you need done, a one-of-a-kind custom build, or a set-the-world-on-fire-ultra-high-speed-low-drag-make-me-adjust-my-trousers performance upgrade – you’re in the right place.
If you’re feeling like you need a bit more out of your Airsoft Replicas, or even a LOT more out of them, go ahead and click on UPGRADES to see what we can do for you!
If you’re wanting to stand out from the crowd with a custom-built replica or have a particular model you want made that isn’t on the market, click CUSTOM WORK to see what we’ve done so far and tell us what you want done!
If you’ve done the unfortunate ‘trip on a root and hear something snap’ dance, click REPAIRS to see our prices on repair work. (If you heard something snap and it wasn’t your replica, then go to a hospital and stop reading this page!)
If you want to browse our custom parts catalogue and see what we have on offer, click SHOP and see what you’ve been missing!
Lastly, if you need to get in touch, click CONTACT.